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Earth in Palm, ARIA Coaching, Sousan Abadian

"In my dream,

the angel shrugged

and said if we fail this

time it will be a

failure of imagination


and then she

placed the world

gently in the palm

of my hand”

-Brian Andreas

1- The A.R.I.A. Framework for Personal and Social Transformation 

Exemplars like Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia, and lesser known everyday heroes make the choice to step out of the confines of what society believes is possible, to vision new potentialities and against all odds, create the improbable. No longer at the mercy of circumstances and a contracted identity, they know themselves to be conscious co-creators, bettering the world for us all. The world awaits an expanded you, and Dr. Abadian provides a simple yet effective framework to exercise a different kind of leadership for personal and social transformation.


You will learn the power of:

  • Awareness: Direct your attention, lean inward to expand and access the inner-net 

  • Responsibility: Choose sovereignty, assume responsibility regardless of circumstances

  • Imagination: Assume radical innocence, imagine new potentialities, receive insight 

  • Action: Take inspired action, live into your vision, allow

2- Cultivating a Culture of Innovation and Insight in Turbulent Times

We live in a hyper, plugged-in world, living lives and conducting business in the context of a burgeoning “Distraction Economy.” Every day, we are bombarded by an unrelenting stream of information and “noise” from social media and world news literally at our fingertips, inundated with more choices, more information in one minute than people used to be exposed to in years of their lives. As if that weren’t enough, we are also contending with an accelerated pace of change in our world, abetted by disruptive and exponential technologies. The world feels sped up and complexified, and it is no wonder that for many, overwhelm has become the new norm. This has had significant costs both in terms of quality of life and in financial terms. Research from Workspace Options estimates that distraction alone costs U.S. businesses $650 billion annually. A culture that feeds distraction and breathless overwhelm is also antithetical to the generation of the insight and innovation needed to navigate, adapt, and thrive in today’s dynamic global economy. 

Dr. Abadian will guide you to discover:

  • What makes for a more agile organization conducive to innovation and creativity

  • How to become purpose-, passion-, and vision-driven, rather than security- and circumstance-driven

  • Skills and practices to generate greater innovation, insight, and to increase resilience in the face of the informational-technological onslaught and a sped-up world 

  • The importance of bringing fascination and play back into your work and life

3- Unleash Your Superpowers: The art of creating a life you love

Are you waiting for the right person to show up or for circumstances to change before you live more fully or move forward in the direction of your dreams? What has it cost you (and others) that you have been sitting on your hands, not daring to move forward?


Through a series of case studies and exercises, Dr. Abadian provides a framework and tools:

  • To unleash the visionary within and clarify your picture of a desired future

  • To develop the skills necessary to nurture that future into being

  • To befriend fear and overcome resistance to change

  • To transform yourself and your life regardless of the circumstances you face

Desmond Tutu, Sousan Abadian, Donna Hicks

“Sousan, listening to your speech today about your A.R.I.A. model and Inner Sovereignty reminded me of this Maya Angelou's quote: ‘A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.’ You have gathered all your wisdom and grace and put it into your talk. Just beautiful.”  


-Dr. Donna Hicks, Associate at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University & Author, Dignity: The Essential Role It Plays in Resolving Conflict

Copyright © Sousan Abadian 2018

All rights reserved

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